The different types of brakes on the various walkers and rollators on the market can be very confusing, but we’re here to help! Read on for a close-up look at some of the different braking systems available, and maybe you’ll find something that will help you choose your next rollator.

  • Loop-lock brakes are the hard plastic hand loops found under the handlebars of many rollators. Users squeeze both loops to stop the rollator temporarily, and lock it in place by pushing the loops down. These brakes respond fast and provide great security, but they can be tiring if you have weak hands.
    Available on:
    The Medline Aluminum Rollator

  • Push-down brakes are brakes that engage when you lean on the handlebars of a rollator. These brakes are great for heavier users or users with weak hands. They do not have any locking mechanism, though, which can lead to a less stable walking aid.
    Available on:
    The Drive Mimi Lite Winnie Aluminum Rollator

  • Single hand brakes are designed to be used with only one hand, ideal for users who can only squeeze with one hand. These brakes are often long bars across the width of the rollator, allowing you to apply pressure anywhere to activate it.

  • Bicycle brakes act much like loop-lock brakes, but they have a lever to squeeze instead of a loop. They can be harder to lock in place, and may have a completely different locking mechanism, such as a pin or knob lower down the frame of the rollator.