Top 4 Knee Walkers

January 24, 2013 1 min read

Drive DV8 Steerable Knee WalkerKnee walkers, sometimes called knee scooters, provide a convenient alternative to crutches. If only one leg is injured and the injury is below the knee, the knee walker will help you get around quickly both indoors and outdoors so you don’t have to limit your activity. So what are the best knee walkers?

1. Drive DV8 Steerable Knee Walker

The Drive DV8 is our pharmacist recommended knee walker because it’s steerable, has a short turning radius and is only 16.5 inches wide, making it easy to fit through any door or hallway. With it, you’ll be able to navigate your house much more easily. But its 8 inch wheels also make it great for outdoor use.

2. Essential Free Spirit Knee & Leg Walker

The Free Spirit Knee Walker has an ergonomic design, featuring a thick comfortable knee pad. It’s our most comfortable and simplest to use knee walker. It also comes with a vinyl pouch for carrying any items you need.

3. Medline Weil 3-Wheel Knee Walker

The Weil 3-Wheel Knee Walker has the longest knee pad and largest height range of any knee walker, making it great for patients both short and tall. The height range also allows it to be passed from one family member to another if need be.

4. Drive Economy Knee Walker

At only $189, this is our most affordable knee walker. It has an adjustable height and works indoors and outdoors. However, it’s not great for tight spaces or lots of turns.