Heavy Duty Walker Accessories

June 24, 2011 2 min read

The owners of heavy duty dual release walkers will be the first to tell you: finding accessories for a non-standard size is nearly impossible. Walker pouches are too small, walker trays are too narrow—even glides can be hard to find for extra-large tubing. But never fear! We have scoured our inventory to bring you suggestions on how to deck out your walker in high style. Be it pouch, seat, or cup holder, you will find it here.

  • Black Walker Pouch – At last, the search is over! Traditional pouches are made to hang off the front of a walker, and many are too small for larger, heavy duty items. But the EZ Access Black Walker Pouch hangs off the side, and adjusts to fit a wide range. Carry all your personal items with you wherever you go with this handy pouch!
  • Universal Walker Pouch w/ One Large Compartment – If you would rather have a standard front pouch, this stylish black pouch with white trim is an ideal product. The single velcro closure allows it to attach to the front of any walker, no matter how big.
  • Universal Cup Holder – The clamp design of the Drive Universal Cup Holder allows it to adjust to fit any size of walker or wheelchair tubing. Enjoy your drink free from worry about storage or transportation!
  • Walker Basket w/ Plastic Insert – The flexible design of this basket makes it compatible with many walkers, including heavy duty and extra-wide walkers. The velcro straps are easy to position wherever they might be needed to hold the basket with balance and stability.
  • Walker Balls – Cut to fit any type of walker at all, the common tennis ball makes an ideal glide. But you don’t have to choose between only green and yellow- there’s a whole wide world of color and design for you to choose from.
  • Universal Walker Glides – These glides are designed to fit walker tubing up to 1 1/8”! Rugged plastic will glide smoothly over uneven surfaces, allowing your walker greater freedom of movement, but be warned: the spring-loaded shocks have a weight capacity of 250 lbs.

Outfitting a non-standard walker can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be a total aggravation. Hopefully, these have given you some ideas about where to start in your own hunt for the perfect walker accessory.