Top 5 Tips for Using Crutches at School

October 11, 2012 2 min read

Drive Aluminum CrutchesIf you’ve recently gotten injured and will have to start using crutches at school, you probably have some concerns. But don’t worry. Life on crutches will take a bit of getting used to, sure, but most schools are ready to handle these situations and students tend to be supportive.

To make the adjustment as smooth as possible, here are our top tips for using crutches at school.

 1. Talk to Your School Nurse

A lot of schools offer some type of “early release pass” for students on crutches. This means you get to leave class five minutes early (woo hoo!) so you can navigate the halls to your next class before they get super crowded.

If your school doesn’t let you out of class early, being on crutches in a great excuse for showing up to class late. (Results may vary).

 2. Get a Desk at the End of the Row

Preferably, one by the door. This just makes getting in and out of class a little easier. Plus if you get to leave early, you can do so without disturbing the whole class.

 3. Use Your Backpack to Carry Books

A lot of schools don’t let students bring their backpacks into the classroom, which really is a legitimate safety precaution (because school shootings). But they might make an exception if you’re on crutches. If they can’t/don’t, just make your friends carry your books. What are friends for?

 4. Have Your Friends Grab You Lunch

It’s kinda hard to manage a lunch tray on crutches, and cafeterias have been known to have slippery floors. See if one of your friends can grab your lunch for you. If not, try packing your own lunch. It may not be hot, but it’ll probably be healthier and tastier.

 5. Be Really Careful on Stairs

One of the most common concerns students on crutches have is how to navigate stairs. Unfortunately, there’s no great solution for this. If you’re lucky enough to have a school with elevators, use them. If not, just take it slow and easy and hold on to the railing if you can. Falling down stairs is generally bad for recovery.