Tips for Making Aging in Place More Fun

September 28, 2017 1 min read

Tips for Making Aging in Place More Fun

Today, more and more seniors are choosing to “age in place” in the comfort of their own home. Here are five ideas for making aging in place more fun:

1. Do Something New Every Day

Doing new things is not only fun, it also keeps your brain sharp. Everything from learning a new skill to simply taking a different path to the store can help.

2. Take Classes

From community centers teaching tai chi to universities offering a variety of online classes in various subjects, there are tons of opportunities out there to take a class or learn a new skill. It’s a great way to grow your knowledge and have a good time.

3. Join Social Groups

Volunteering to do community work, starting a book club, or getting involved with a religious organization are all great ways to get to know people and make new friends.

4. Play Games

Games are another fun way to stay mentally fit. And there’s no shortage of games out there, with crossword and sudoku puzzles in the newspaper to phone games to playing board games with your loved ones.

5. Exercise

Exercise may not be everyone’s idea of a good time, but it is great for your physical and mental health and can help you enjoy life all the more. If you have mobility difficulties, you can always use a rollator or walker to help you get around and stay fit.