How to Successfully Age in Place

May 07, 2015 1 min read

More and more seniors are choosing to “age in place,” continuing to live independently in their own home instead of going into assisted living. This can be very rewarding, but comes with its own set of challenges. Here are tips for how to successfully age in place--

    1. Retrofit

    Though retrofitting can be somewhat expensive, it’s a lot cheaper than assisted living. Adding things such as grab bars, bed rails, raised toilet seats, and easy to use handles will make your home easier to navigate as your age. Remember, it’s better to retrofit before you need to.

    2. Exercise

    Staying in good physical shape will keep you both physically and mentally strong as you age. If you have issues with mobility, then get a mobility aid such as a rollator or walker so you can keep up an active lifestyle.

    3. Community Services

    Just because you’re living independently doesn’t mean you have to do everything on your own. Things such as transportation services or meal services can be a great way to make your life simpler.

    4. Pets

    According to experts, pets provide unconditional love, exercise, social lubricant, a strong reason to get up in the morning, and focus. Plus, they’re cute and fun.

    5. Robots

    Not only can robots vacuum our floors and wash our dishes, they can now help us age in place. For example, the BeClose System alerts loved ones if you divert from your usual activity pattern and Lively reminds you to take your medication.