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5 Cool New Wheelchair Designs

October 16, 2014 2 min read

Mobility technology is better than it’s ever been, and new innovations keep emerging. Here are five unique new wheelchair designs worth checking out.

  1. Chair 4 Life

    The Chair 4 Life is a powered pediatric wheelchair designed for users age 4 to 18. Its innovative claim to fame is that the height adjusts up and down, so the user can play close to the floor with their friends, sit as desk level, or be at eye level with other children or adults.

  2. Whill

    The Whill looks like the iPod of wheelchairs. It features a very simple, clean modern design. Its “All Direction 4WD” wheels allow it to make sharp turns and get through tight spaces. Plus, it’s made to go across tougher terrains such as grass and gravel.

  3. Mountain Trike

    The Mountain Trike is like a bicycle for people who can’t use their legs. It’s designed to help wheelchairs users maintain an active lifestyle. The steering and propulsion are lever based. And, as its name suggests, the Mountain Trike allows you to go hiking on mountain trails, across snowy patches, and even through rivers.

  4. Ultra Long Distance Wheelchair

    The Ultra Long Distance Wheelchair is designed specifically for use in marathons. It will help users sustain optimal performance over long distances. The design uses features from modern racing bikes and adapts them for wheelchair users.

  5. Tankchair

    The Tankchair is a bit like the Action Trackchair we wrote about a while back. It was invented by a combat veteran for his injured wife. Like the Action Trackchair, it’s designed for the outdoors and uses tank-like wheels to help people navigate tricky terrain that normal wheelchairs can’t handle.